Professional Video Learning

Engaging instructional videos created for professionals.

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Preview the instructional video series below.


Planning & Prioritizing.

Learn how to think about time and tasks in the short-term and the long-term, and improve your ability to schedule, create routines, and use open/free time.

This three-part video series includes these individual videos:

  1. Time Management (10:03)

  2. Task Attack (7:56)

  3. Prioritizing (5:33)


Working Remotely.

Tackle the different aspects of remote working that require independent management of learning, keeping a balance of commitments, as well as staying focused and productive.

This five-part video series includes these individual videos:

  1. Environment (4:49)

  2. Breaks (5:09)

  3. Routines (5:05)

  4. Productivity (4:40)

  5. Accountability (2:10)